Monday, June 29, 2009

Teta Fabe

Good evening my little man... I spent the weekend sorting and organising enormous piles of your things. Everyone who came to the baby shower has spoilt you rotten already. You have clothes and toys and books galore... I found the stroller and change table and various bits and bobs in the garage and cleaned everything and started setting up your little space in our room... it feels as if you'll be here so soon...

Once upon a time your mama and your teta Fabe lived together, and loved each other... they were happy and fun and they brought your big sister into the world.. your teta Fabe carried her in her belly and birthed her and fed her and they both cared for her and raised her. As happens sometimes your mama and your teta Fabe decided after a while that they would be better as friends.... and they are now... I met your mama back before your sister was born and I was fantastic friends and your teta Fabe and I spent so much time together me with the musical genious and her with the little artist... we became close friends. When your mama and I fell in love we all knew it was important to stay close, to stay friends, and to help each other and be a loving family... so when your mama and I created you we asked teta Fabe to be a special person in your life... to be someone to adore you, and care for you, and to watch over you and make sure that no matter what - you will be safe and loved and happy.

I wanted to tell you a bit about your Teta Fabe.... she is tall, very tall! And she's slim, and has these long long legs, and fabulous thick curly hair... she used to be a teacher, and she still is in a way... she teaches children about some of the most wonderful buildings in our city, about our history. She is a fantastic friend... she listens, and she talks, and she makes you feel important, and special. She is my best friend I'd have to say... apart from your mama of course! She always looks great - she wears amazing outfits, and fantastic shoes, and wonderful accesories... if i need advice I would go to her - no question. She is passionate about what she believes in - about raising smart healthy kids, about eating well, and she has an innate sense of right... she's terrifyingly smart..... but she can also be shallow and hilarious and silly if the occasion calls for it! She will buy you the best gifts, and wrap them better than anyone... and she will love you and protect you always... she has stuck by us, and we have stuck by her through hard times, and great times... we are truly family. Apart from her partner Gabby - she'll be the best aunty you could ever ask for....

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