Monday, July 6, 2009


Here I am at work again - thinking about you, and your immanent arrival. I spent the weekend planning and getting ready for you. I took your sisters to the baby shop and finally bought your bassinet - and brought it home and built it, and placed it in it's spot in our room. It looks so sweet there, and in the morning your sisters came into our bed for a cuddle, and LA said "is blob in there yet?". They are so impatient to meet you. LA lies down in front of your mamas belly and giggles when you kick her in the back... they keep asking us what name we've chosen for you! Not telling... *grin*

We also had some photos taken this weekend... photos of the girls and us, and you inside your mamas belly... she looks so gorgeous and her belly is round and beautiful and I wanted to capture that for her, so that she can look back as you grow up and remember the time when you lived in there... when she grew you from a tiny egg into an amazing little boy...

We are singing to you all the time...

I took all your sheets and wraps and blankets out of their cases and washed them all with nice smelling soaps and hung them up to dry... we are getting ready... your lungs are totally ready to take that first breath when you come into our world now.. each day you get bigger and bigger and soon you will be here and I will hold you tight and kiss the back of your neck....

I love you my little blob.