Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Hey you... you've been rolling around so much mama thinks you are trying to escape through her belly button! It's fun to lie in bed at night and rest my hands on her belly and feel you kicking and moving in there... Mama saw the midwife today and you are growing well, she thinks you'll be a big boy, and all is going really well. We have another ultrasound in 2 weeks, just after my birthday - i look forward to seeing how squished you are in there now! The midwife said that your head was down and you were in a good position. Mama needs to get more iron - more steak, and green veges... which she's always craving. I guess her body knows what she needs...

Tonight I am going to introduce you to Gab. Gabby is teta Fabe's girlfriend - but she is more than just that. Gab is your mama's best mate. They work together down at the warves at port botany and have done for many years. Gab works hard, she's good at what she does and really takes pride in her work - although she'd never say so... she deserves a lot more credit than she probably gets in her workplace, and I think that your mama and Gab have a lot of similarities in that respect. Gab is also LA's stepmum. She cares for your sister like she is a daughter, and she spends a good deal of time looking after MG too - when her mummy needs help or whenever we are over at their house. Gab is very house proud - she spends a lot of time on her garden, and keeping the house spic and span... it always looks amazing - her and teta Fabe are so clean and neat it hurts sometimes!! Gab loves the beach - she grew up on the sand at Maroubra, and she's inspired LA and MG to do nippers in summer, and she's already bought you your first swimmers to wear this summer!! She's the other person we've asked to be a special carer in your life - she will teach you how to swim in the surf, and run on the sand... Gab is the most loyal friend I know, and she'd do anything for us and she has done so much already. I'm sure the two of you will get on like a house on fire... she knew you were in Mama's belly before we even knew.. and she knew you were going to be a boy... she's so looking forward to you joining our family...

Monday, June 29, 2009

Teta Fabe

Good evening my little man... I spent the weekend sorting and organising enormous piles of your things. Everyone who came to the baby shower has spoilt you rotten already. You have clothes and toys and books galore... I found the stroller and change table and various bits and bobs in the garage and cleaned everything and started setting up your little space in our room... it feels as if you'll be here so soon...

Once upon a time your mama and your teta Fabe lived together, and loved each other... they were happy and fun and they brought your big sister into the world.. your teta Fabe carried her in her belly and birthed her and fed her and they both cared for her and raised her. As happens sometimes your mama and your teta Fabe decided after a while that they would be better as friends.... and they are now... I met your mama back before your sister was born and I was fantastic friends and your teta Fabe and I spent so much time together me with the musical genious and her with the little artist... we became close friends. When your mama and I fell in love we all knew it was important to stay close, to stay friends, and to help each other and be a loving family... so when your mama and I created you we asked teta Fabe to be a special person in your life... to be someone to adore you, and care for you, and to watch over you and make sure that no matter what - you will be safe and loved and happy.

I wanted to tell you a bit about your Teta Fabe.... she is tall, very tall! And she's slim, and has these long long legs, and fabulous thick curly hair... she used to be a teacher, and she still is in a way... she teaches children about some of the most wonderful buildings in our city, about our history. She is a fantastic friend... she listens, and she talks, and she makes you feel important, and special. She is my best friend I'd have to say... apart from your mama of course! She always looks great - she wears amazing outfits, and fantastic shoes, and wonderful accesories... if i need advice I would go to her - no question. She is passionate about what she believes in - about raising smart healthy kids, about eating well, and she has an innate sense of right... she's terrifyingly smart..... but she can also be shallow and hilarious and silly if the occasion calls for it! She will buy you the best gifts, and wrap them better than anyone... and she will love you and protect you always... she has stuck by us, and we have stuck by her through hard times, and great times... we are truly family. Apart from her partner Gabby - she'll be the best aunty you could ever ask for....

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Cheeks and more....

My cheeky little thing...

We had the ultrasound... and your sisters were there too... they waited very nicely, and were excited the first time that you came onto the screen! I could have sat there for the rest of the week watching you... moving, yawning, putting your little hand into your mouth... you were squished all the way down low in mamas belly and you seemed as comfy as can be and didn't want to have your photo taken... mama had to roll around and go for a big walk... I tried to talk you into it, but you were quite happy where you were thank you very much! So we got some photos... you have the chubbiest little cheeks - i want to smother them with kisses... and the tiniest upturned nose that looks just like mine! We got a dvd with you moving around... the photos are very fuzzy and squishy but we can squint our eyes and see what you might look like...

As mama said - you'll be here really soon and I will be able to hug and cuddle and bath and change and sing to and squeeze you in no time... I can't wait to get home every day just to put my hands near you and feel you moving around...

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Showering the baby...

So the baby shower is this weekend...

How did we get here so fast? How did you grow so big already?

Tomorrow night we go and see you again - this ultrasound is extra special because your big sisters are coming and they get to watch you moving around in there... it's a 4D one, so we'll see what you look like, your gorgeous little face, your adorable hands... your mama and I are already totally in love with you... you like to play at about 10pm every night - rolling and moving and kicking. You use your mama's bladder like a trampoline. We think you are very strong, big and bouncing and healthy like your mama and me. We spent the weekend away relaxing, and focusing on each other and on you. Your mama did yoga and we had long baths and read out chapters from the birth book.

This weekend all our family and friends who are looking forward to meeting you are going to be at our house for this baby shower... they will bring presents for you and your mama... they will make sure you know that you are soooo very loved before you even join us here on the outside... it will be noisy my sweetness so I hope you're ready...

You've been getting hiccups a lot - it's the nicest feeling for me... that rythmic beat, like your very own dance mix inside mama's belly... we have been talking to you lots... you and I have our own way of talking - i move you, and you kick me... you feel so real to us now. There's a huge list in my head of things that need doing in the next ten weeks and none of them are done yet...

"we'll get there" says your mama... she always makes me feel ok... I rub her poor tired feet every night... this has been an amazing ride for us both... we are so blessed already by you. Mama thinks you have a vortex that gets us everywhere on time - even when we leave a bit late we somehow manage to turn up... you are speeding up time for us and weeks are slipping away so fast... 30 weeks you've been with us now....

Your nana (mama's mama) is flying up from Melbourne for the baby shower... she will make us all good things to eat, and bring lot's of things to spoil you and your sisters... she is the essence of mother, and she teaches us so much every time she is here - and even when she's not here... we miss her lots... she is also sooo excited to meet you... I can't wait to show her the pictures of you that we get tomorrow.

I love you my little man - I know you know that already...

If your sisters could name you....

Written on the 18th April

We asked your sisters this week if they had any ideas for your name... now that we've picked one we thought it would be fun to find out what they would choose...

If the musical genious had anything to do with it you would be called tim-tim or her second choice is timmy-timmy..... She just loves variety hey? If our little artist had her way you would be named 'garlic bread' - because she 'loves it so much'... which is sweet - but really...

Lucky it's up to mama and I hey baby boy??

Monday, June 15, 2009

Camping at the Creek

This entry was written on the 15th of April

Hey my little man... How you doing in there? Your picture is up on the fridge so I can see you every day. We chose your name this week... It means peace, something your mama and I are very passionate about. I miss your energy this week - mama and I are like ships in the night, I leave for work around 7am and she gets home after 11 at night... and I'm usually snoring by then! On Saturday you and your mama are heading to London! Your first overseas trip... I'll really be missing you both.. Your big sisters will keep me company though.

Last weekend we all went to the creek to camp for easter. The creek is a big part of our lives so it'll take a while to tell you about it, but here's a start anyway.

PJ is my dad - his adorable partner in life is Andrea, otherwise known as Andy, or the "Evil Stepmother". This is not true - she is the best Stepmother ever and is a fabulous friend of mine and we wouldn't be without her.... She is fabulous. Anyway - PJ and Andy bought a big bit of land a few years ago. It's about 2 hours north of sydney, and about 30 acres of lovely bush with a few paddocks and a creek running through it... it's got a little shed like house with a deck overlooking the whole place and is in a valley.... so most of the 30 acres is made up of hills covered in Eucalypts.... there's wombats, and wallabies and plenty of trees... and it is totally magical. We'll be taking you up there a lot little man... you will learn how to fall over, drive a tractor, plant trees and help your grandad farm his flowers... you will build a campfire and pitch a tent, and one day maybe help your mama and I build our own little cabin there for our tribe.... The creek feels like an old, old place... like there is wisdom within the land, and the trees and the rocks... it's hard to describe in words - but it's almost a spiritual place... You'v been there already, inside your mama's tummy... and you've sat on the fire rock with her...

So we took your sisters, and Uncle gavvy, and Fairy G (more on them later) and we got in the truck and drove up there for the easter weekend... we pitched our tents, your mama and I slept in the back of the truck - which was so much fun! It was a good weekend... the kids played, we planted about 200 trees along the creek bed, we had a big fire and cooked and ate lots... it was really nice... a great way to spend some time together before I start my new job..

So that's a start to the creek story... it's the place we go away for weekends, and long weekends - and sometimes for longer holidays... it's relaxing and hard work at the same time... but most of all we are putting something back into the land that we live on... we take care of nature, and plant trees and regenerate what has been taken... we will teach you these same principles - it's the basis of how we like to live our lives... and what we want to pass down to you and your sisters...