Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Hey you... you've been rolling around so much mama thinks you are trying to escape through her belly button! It's fun to lie in bed at night and rest my hands on her belly and feel you kicking and moving in there... Mama saw the midwife today and you are growing well, she thinks you'll be a big boy, and all is going really well. We have another ultrasound in 2 weeks, just after my birthday - i look forward to seeing how squished you are in there now! The midwife said that your head was down and you were in a good position. Mama needs to get more iron - more steak, and green veges... which she's always craving. I guess her body knows what she needs...

Tonight I am going to introduce you to Gab. Gabby is teta Fabe's girlfriend - but she is more than just that. Gab is your mama's best mate. They work together down at the warves at port botany and have done for many years. Gab works hard, she's good at what she does and really takes pride in her work - although she'd never say so... she deserves a lot more credit than she probably gets in her workplace, and I think that your mama and Gab have a lot of similarities in that respect. Gab is also LA's stepmum. She cares for your sister like she is a daughter, and she spends a good deal of time looking after MG too - when her mummy needs help or whenever we are over at their house. Gab is very house proud - she spends a lot of time on her garden, and keeping the house spic and span... it always looks amazing - her and teta Fabe are so clean and neat it hurts sometimes!! Gab loves the beach - she grew up on the sand at Maroubra, and she's inspired LA and MG to do nippers in summer, and she's already bought you your first swimmers to wear this summer!! She's the other person we've asked to be a special carer in your life - she will teach you how to swim in the surf, and run on the sand... Gab is the most loyal friend I know, and she'd do anything for us and she has done so much already. I'm sure the two of you will get on like a house on fire... she knew you were in Mama's belly before we even knew.. and she knew you were going to be a boy... she's so looking forward to you joining our family...

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