Tuesday, March 31, 2009

the grey nurse

I can't feel you moving yet. Your mama can - we drove home last night in our truck and you were jumping on her bladder she said. Mama likes it though - likes to feel you kicking her, moving around inside her. It's new - for her. You are the first baby she's carried...

I wanted to tell you a bit about us - your new family, these people, and this place you'll be born into in only 20 weeks or so. I figured that was only just enough time to be able to introduce you to our life a little - the rest you'll figure out yourself my little one...

Yesterday we had an ultrasound - we saw you clearly inside your mama. The technician took measurements and pictures of every little part of you, including your heart - which beat strongly and firmly and made me cry. We found out you are a boy... you are our son. Your mama and I are SO excited. We are falling in love with you every day, and I am falling more in love with your mama every moment...

Anyway - today I want to tell you about the truck. Your mama has been wanting a truck for years... since we borrowed PJ's (my dad... your grandpa - we all call him PJ). For her I think it means freedom... it's big, and strong, it's got a tow bar, and a huge canopy, and a big bull bar... it signifies you are coming. We had always said that when you were on your way we'd need a new car - Mama's tiny two door auto sporty car wouldn't do - and so now the truck is in the driveway and we know you are going to be here with us real soon. Our family is getting bigger... so big we need all that room when we go away on holiday. The truck is shiny and silver and we had to get a special bit installed so we could put your capsule in the back. Your mama drives it tall and strong and proud... it's a bit like her... your sisters love it.. the little artist (LA) sits in the back and sighs one of those sighs like she's in love with the truck, which is a bit like her mama feels about it too. You will get pride of place in the back and your sisters will fight over who gets to sit in the middle next to you - i can already guess this, because i know them, and I know how much they will want to gaze at you and tickle you and make you laugh while we bump our way across the roads of Sydney in that truck.... Mama calls it the "Grey Nurse"